Press Release | Chefs Carlos Ribeiro, Ieda de Matos and Bel Coelho releases Oshun: Fine Sweets
The book marks the release of "Ajeum: Holy Feast" collection - a book series with theme recipes inspired on the deities of Candomblé, organized by Chef Carlos Ribeiro and signed by him and the invited authors Ana Célia Santos, Ieda de Matos and Bel Coelho.
"Oshun: Fine Sweets and Pastries" is the first volume of "Ajeum: Holy Feast" collection, by Editora Arole Cultural - a book series with theme recipes inspired on the deities of Candomblé. Organized by Chef Carlos Ribeiro and signed by him and the invited authors Ana Célia Santos, Ieda de Matos e Bel Coelho, the collection brings typical Brazilian dishes inspired by the favorite ingredients of Oshun (sweets and eggs), Ibeji (caruru de cosme and candies), Yemaya (birds and fish) and Yansan (peppers, red meats and palm oil).
In this first book, "Oshun: Fine Sweets and Pastries", Carlos Ribeiro presents 21 recipes with lots of eggs and sweetness to honor the African goddess of beauty, love and fertility: 17 of them signed by him, accompanied by two other recipes from each invited Chef.
“The Orixas eat what men eat. In this way the food is more than just the materialization of flavors but a bond of praise and thanksgiving between both. This work represents the relationship between man and the sacred, where for practitioners of this belief food is the great link", explains the Chef.
One of the first lessons of Candomblé is that the magic and secrets of the Orishas are learned in the kitchen. Who affirms this is the Babalosha and founder of the Editora Arole Cultural, Diego de Oxóssi, that completes "it is almost impossible to speak of food of the orishas without approaching the religious syncretism and the Brazilian regionalism".
"The holy food that is eaten brings us the conciousness of how food is part of our earthly lives, but it also brings us closer to our faith, taking into account the importance of this practice", concludes Carlos Ribeiro.
The official release of the collection took place during FLIP 2019, with a class-show by chef Carlos Ribeiro and the presence of chefs Ieda de Matos and Bel Coelho, and was part of the circuit of activities of the project "Paraty Creative City of Gastronomy by UNESCO". To Rio de Janeiro´s International Book Fair, the authors are preparing a lot amazing news, take a look at Arole´s schedule for the event.
Oshun: Fine Sweets and Pastries
96 pages full color, paperback
Buy the book and get a free e-book with extra recipes
Cover price: R$44,00 | ISBN 9788590624028
Available at:
About Chef Carlos Ribeiro (collection´s organizer and author)
Graduated in Marketing and communication and chef for love and profession, for ten years Carlos Ribeiro was responsible for "Na Cozinha Restaurant", specialized in Brazilian cuisine and minced. He holds a PhD from USP in Latin American Studies, where he also holds a Master's Degree in Latin American Studies. He taught at the Federal University of Paraiba, Faap, Anhembi Morumbi, Uninove, where he was the coordinator of Fine Arts, among others. He is also the author of the books "Japanese Cuisine for Brazilians", "Food is Art", "History of Gastronomy, Bakery, Confectionery, Contemporary Cuisine, Structures and Operation of the Kitchen of Bars, Hotels and Restaurants" , "Cooffee" and "100 Years of Vinicius".
About Ana Célia Santos (invited author)
Ana Célia Santos - ou Chef Ana Célia - é filha de santo do Terreiro do Gantois (Salvador/BA), da saudosa Mãe Menininha, onde também é responsável pelas receitas e preparos sagrados oferecidos aos Orixás em seus rituais. Aprendeu o saber das panelas na cozinha da tia, durante a infância, e ganhou o mundo com seus temperos. Responsável pelo Restaurante Zanzibar, em Salvador - Bahia, a chef apresenta seu famoso Bolinho de Estudante, uma receita deliciosa com toda sua baianidade nagô. No volume 2 da Coleção Ajeum, a Chef Ana Célia assina as receitas dedicadas aos Ibejis, com o tradicional caruru de são cosme.
About Ieda de Matos (invited author)
Ieda de Matos - ou Chef Ieda - é nascida na Chapada Diamantina e reflete as influências de sua terra nas receitas que cria. Responsável pelo Restaurante Casa de Ieda, no coração do bairro de Pinheiros, em São Paulo, a chef revisita a tradicional receita do Acaçá e cria um delicioso doce em homenagem a Oxum. No volume 3 da Coleção Ajeum, Chef Ieda assina as receitas dedicadas a Iemanjá, a mãe de todos e deusa das águas salgadas.
About Bel Coelho (invited author)
Bel Coelho é, atualmente, um dos maiores nomes quando se trata de gastronomia brasileira. Chef de cozinha, apresentadora e pesquisadora da alimentação, ela reinventa saborosamente aquilo que para muitos seria apenas comida do dia-a-dia. Responsável pelo Restaurante Clandestino, na Vila Madalena, em São Paulo, a chef homenageia Oxum com uma receita elaborada com bananas, melaço e sorvete de gemas de ovos. No volume 4 da Coleção Ajeum, a Chef Bel Coelho assina as receitas dedicadas a Iansã, deusa do fogo e das tempestades.
About Arole Cultural
The publishing house was founded in 2015 by Diego do Oxóssi, aiming to translate the culture of the Orishas in an objective and easy way for the lay reader or for anyone who already has an interest in the subject "Arole means `the heir` in Yoruba language - one who carries a tradition. This is the mission and the main goal of our titles and brand: help spread African religions, breaking down taboos and stigmata, demystifying and deconstructing prejudices and showing that we are all equal in our differences", explains the founder and writer.